K·PEC > Business Plan > Industrial Plant

Industrial Plant

FS, Consulting, Engineering & Construction Management Service

Industrial Plant

K·PEC has specialists who have significant experience in industrial plant. Our group of specialists has working experience with major client such as HYUNDAI Steel and POSCO. Our engineer can offer industry leading practices and knowledge that are well recognized in preliminary design and detail design in the industry. K·PEC can offer a robust quality control system that has been developed based on our success stories from previous projects. This sets us apart from our competition and allows us to provide unrivaled efficiency in delivering quality projects to our clients.

K·PEC기술(주)는 현대제철, 포스코 및 기타 산업 플랜트의 설계 관리 경험자와 기본 및 상세 설계 경험자를 보유하고 있습니다.
다수의 플랜트 설계를 경험함으로 인해 제철 관련 및 일반 산업 플랜트 기본 및 상세설계 업무수행을 효율적으로 수행할 수 있는 품질 관리 시스템을 구축하고 있습니다.

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